Philosophy of my art
I am not an artist. I couldn't draw well when I was young, I just didn't feel like it. At school, my brother did most of my homework. When I grew up and started painting myself, I decided not to learn any drawing techniques: I express myself fresh and unclouded.
I adore Art. I've been to the best art galleries of the world many times, I like reading biographies of my favorite artists. I prefer "crazy" ones, as their paintings are full of mystery, expression and symbolism. My favorites are Bosch, El Greco, Goya, Van Gogh, Picasso, Malevich, Chagall and Dali. I don't feel much about Raphael, Velasquez, Rubens, Rembrandt - all those artists of baroque and elegant style, masters of portrait, landscape and still-life (except crazy ones).
The artist spends his whole life sharpening his skills and style, while begging for a piece of bread (and a glass of wine). He has no time to think about global issues. His expression is naive, intuitive and largely random.
. I am an investor. All my life I've been choosing countries, industries and companies that will succeed. I'm constantly thinking about global trends that change people's life. As an economist and analyst, I've been expressing myself through investment decisions, but you can't express everything through financial instruments ... that's how I came to painting.

Nowadays, I pick 3 major issues of the beginning of the 21st century, they became the main themes of my paintings.
  • IT revolution
  • Sexual counter-revolution
  • New migration of nations
IT revolution
Internet, virtual reality and artificial intelligence have radically changed our life and understanding of the world around us. I have tried to express only one aspect so far - the relationship between Internet and our faith in God. I compare creation of a virtual computer game to the creation of our world, hackers who broke the Code to prophets and fortunetellers in real world, Holy Spirit as a means of communication similar to LTE or WIFI ...

Media's obsessive efforts to impose tolerance, fights against sexual harassment, adoption and donor-surrogate childbirth in non-traditional families, "middle sex" fashion shows from leading designers, how do you call this? I suddenly realized – it's Sexual Counter-revolution. After our society rejected fundamentalist religiosity, emancipation in art, film and fashion, the teachings of Freud and the sex revolution of the 60s, we now have such a backsliding ... Well, in fact, leaders of the world have always fought against sexuality to keep people in line, so here we go again ... Waiting for sensations!
Islam, being the newest most modern global religion, is conquering the planet. Muslims started the Great migration. They, like barbarians from the beginning of our era, quickly occupy the civilized world. And the people of the civilized world, like the ancient Romans , don't want to serve in the army and defend themselves. According to the Islamic calendar (it starts from Mohammed's relocation to Medina), we are in the middle of the year 1440. Perfect analogy: Middle Ages with the crusades will soon come to an end and very soon (in about 50 years) the New Time will start!!!